ready to see teagan presley, alexis texas and

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All my other favortie girlies when I land in New Jersey. Its crazy we had 2 or 3 delays for bad weather. Now I’m assuming we are above it all. It is like we are skimming a layer of super white clouds and the sky is super clear. I love seeing stars and living in the city its so hard to get the chance. Got a lil bit in on the road trip the other day when @PCTattoo drove. The blanket of stars just makes me feel so small and childlike.

P.S. Did I mention how stoked I am to see all the hot girlies and RAD fans the next few days. ITS MY FIRST TIME IN NEW JERSEY!!! And don’t worry I’ll have @PCTattoo taking pics and video for me. So hit him up on twitter and let him know whatcha wanna see soon….

Posted with WordPress on Adrenalynn’s crackBerry.

About Adrenalynn

I am the one and only Adrenalynn. Tattoo artist, Porn Star, Ballerina. I make and maintain anything you see! So be patient with me as I add more photos and other fun stuff for you and make things a lot more user friendly around here.