I couldn’t ask for a better way to close the past few work weeks in California!! Flynt Productions interior was everything I expected and MORE!!! The 9th floor is quite spectacular. I also wasn’t too clear with the link below. I posted it whilst half asleep. You’ve gotta check me hosting the PORN MINTUE there. I’ll be working on some site updates on the flight tommorrow. I think I may have found the worlds greatest assistant/ webgirl. She is quite amazing and I can’t wait to introduce her and her work to ya’ll.
Stay tuned. . .
First day of working in a new state and first time in la traffic! I must say the weather here is a wonderful change of pace. NO 100 degree RAIN!!!! Had a fabulous dinner with Senor Cortes and friends. Sadly I got a small dose of food poisoning my first night in. . . fucking cosmic luck! Thanks Apathy for being such a good nurse. So excited about tommorrow I can hardly sleep. Can’t wait to let you all know and see what I’m working on, it’ll exxxcite you, tehe.
8.22.07 I have been so busy since I arrived in LA. A photo blog is way over due, perhaps this weekend when i have a bit more time.
Todays shoot was soooooo much fun!!! Had a meeting with my manager Apathy International and my representation company to discuss some huge meetings I have this week. It is amazing have such a great team on my side.
Then I got to be a part of ksexradio show and was interviewed by Sunny Lane! She is amazing. Then we went to the Taylor Wayne’s red carpet event at Basque. . . I promise I will post photos soon. So many shoots so little time.
If you look around there are new photos in various photo albums. New Pages will be added soon, hopefully before I leave for LA to shoot like a maniac.
Take a fucking look at this! Nuff said. . . There is a picture in the fan art album.
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the motherfuckin one & only