September 29th, 2007 by Adrenalynn

Im very bendy, some people don’t know. Don’t forget. . .


September 25th, 2007 by Adrenalynn


Finally back in Texas, but just for a week. The trip was amazing beaches, drinks, bitches, and the lovely people in customs. Came home to an ass load of stellar emails. My first web video came out whilst I was out at sea. So yeah, go check that shit out its at Sorting through the mass amount of pictures from the trip. . .




September 6th, 2007 by Adrenalynn

if this works…. my legs and feet from a video shoot in pantyhose

and full fashion stockings!. Oh yeah, and super high heels. 

leg, feet, stocking, and pantyhose movie shoot (more…)

September 6th, 2007 by Adrenalynn

Welcome to my personal blog from my site. I’ll be taking the large blog off of the front of the site, with simply a link to here.

September 3rd, 2007 by Adrenalynn

I couldn’t write much tonight. . . here is why!

I really was not expecting to hear from so many qualified individuals about the assitant position I am trying to fill. I think we have it narrowed down to a handful of people and will set up meetings as soon as we get back to that side of the earth.

Tommorrow is an early early day. Gonna go get pretty and shoot later on after lunch maybe. Got some clothes and stills to do for someone who is drawing me, tehe ;)



September 2nd, 2007 by Adrenalynn

I have gotten a tremendous amount of applications we are sorting through. This may be a lengthy process. I may actually need to hire 2 – 3 people so. . .




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