December 27th, 2007 by Adrenalynn

of my tattoo studio and helping with photoshoots for Apathy International. I also got to get a little bit of new ink while Im here. Dont have those pictures on the computer just yet.

I must say when I help with photo shoots I go above and beyond to make it as perfect as possible. . . nuff said in the photos!Im helping with make up again in the morning. Red heads are F U N!

Yes… I help out with make up with OUT a top jealous?

I couldn’t help with out getting in front of the camera, you know how i do? I took what I think are some bomb photos Apathy took today while hanging out. Check out the little bit bigger ones and feel free to comment on my myspace page ( I’m still building up from the big delete, thanks myspace)

Going to a friends show tomorrow night at a private party. It should be some crazy times. I’m sure I’ll be drinkin’ that bubbly all day. Ive been in Texas almost a week, and really I think its a long enough visit for my first time back since I moved. The weather kinda blows right now and people here really kinda let me down, but thats what the holidays are all about right! =)

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