September 29th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

Edited to be more clear 9.29.08

i did an interview for this site. after reading THIS i dont think they will think im “pretty”. :]oh well, more on a few posts soon. gonna add more pics and whatnot.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1610033&w=425&h=350&fv=]

posted with vodpod
also, i am having a MySpace problem. and let me try to explain the better than i did on my bulletin.
  • i know how to tag someone in my photos
  • i know how to accept a tag notification
  • i have NO tagged photo tab on my edit photo page
  • i want to display the tagged photos FOLDER :/
Adrenalynn Opens her holes

Adrenalynn Opens her holes

September 28th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

Don’t Leave Me Now (Waters) 4:22  …

Ooooh, babe
Don’t leave me now.
Don’t say it’s the end of the road.
Remember the flowers I sent.
I need you, babe
To put through the shredder
In front of my friends
Ooooh Babe.
Dont leave me now.
How could you go?
When you know how I need you
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night
Ooooh Babe.
How could you treat me this way?
Running away.
I need you, Babe.
Why are you running away?
Oooooh Babe!

September 27th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

This happened some time ago I know a few days to be exact. A rad fan on myspace wrote, I saved the comment to i can put it up.

fuck oh im on my way to the STATE FAIR OF TEXAS. ill be adding to this more tonight. laters….

Adrenalynn State Fair

Adrenalynn State Fair

ADRENALYNN before big bewbs and tattoos blue hair

ADRENALYNN before big bewbs and tattoos blue hair

September 26th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

hehe im not feelin like posting much. just been doing a lot of updating and have more to do. . .

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1600156&w=425&h=350&fv=]

smell of death

September 21st, 2008 by Adrenalynn

Please give me a lil bit of time to catch up :]

Please be patient with me

Please be patient with me

Ill be explaining a bit what went down asap

Edited 9.21.08

Had a hamburger today!!!!

Edited 9.23.08

Went hiking

,ie: walking down the creek

for those who dont live in TEXAS,

the other day.

Took some random pics ill post soon.

Took some pics tonight im gonna try and put

up on a NEWS part of my site….

September 11th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

woke up in pain. having some surgery complications. can’t get to the doc until tuesday so far…..a little more worried for my family in Houston.

edited 9.13.08 cause i know its been a while since i put up a new pic…..

Adrenalynn pic for yo ass

Adrenalynn pic for yo ass

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