October 31st, 2008 by Adrenalynn

for halloween. Oh I know its manana, but I still have no idea :/ And we are having some deals at the studio and I’ve gotten tangled up in having to be dressed up. Now last year I went to a few porn dress up events. Here’s how I went to one as a like chola clown chick. that was for sure a last minute costume. And the other is one from another halloween party. And the last is me photoshopped by Super Dave hehe:

Now, I’m not sure how the first outfit would play out to tattoo in . . . I’m thinkin’ a clown but I have NO idea just yet. I’ll wing it in the morning :]

Come see my on Halloween

Come see my on Halloween

October 29th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

Pura Vida on foot by adrenalynn

'Pura Vida' on foot by adrenalynn

so, i know i have been rambling on and on and ON about how much i have been tattooing. but havent had any time to post pictures. My friend came into town who has been in China for forever it seems. I tattooed the words “Pura Vida” on her foot. It was fun to see her. She needs to come back up here so we can have some good times in Dallas :] whilst wearing fancy shoes, hehe.


October 26th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

So the guys over at LBI let me know they saw me on the front page of Thisis50.com. Apparently I’ve made their cut for a hot picture, that might I add has some funky as hell editing on it. But Im losing, horribly at the moment :[ it make my day if you could join and vote for me :]


TPlease vote for me!

Please vote for me!

October 24th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

thinking of the tattoo I did today. I did about 5 or 6 hours on a new clients arm. Im going over every moment of the tattoo. What I like, what I didn’t. . . What went well, what went wrong. . . What I did this time, what I did last time. . .  I need to put up some of all this new tattoo work I’ve been up to :] I must say I’m starting to be really proud of some of the new styles and machines Ive been working in and with.



THANKS Zoid! I saw this while late bloggating :

I have some rad clothing sponsers I need to take some pictures and video for :] perhaps if I can get some much needed beauty rest, I’ll be pretty and fresh enough to do that manana. it kinda got pushed back with the teeth situation, and the restaffing.

Vibes at the studio have been better. Customer service and quality are def better. I guess that is what I am the most proud of and thankful for. Being able to not only be a young tattoo artist learning, but also be fortunate to be in a position of business owner and studio manager. Im so glad I have the best teacher.

October 24th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

with nakkidness and kindness about me :]

sekkushi’s blog about Curvy Girls

and some of me painted up

like a C L O W N :]   hehe

oh and. . . did you see this teeny timelapse video on my site?

October 21st, 2008 by Adrenalynn

the service wasnt so great. so ill just leave you with pics of me girlies and dirt nasty

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