December 31st, 2008 by Adrenalynn

okay so, i dont know why i didnt just do this the first time, instead of stickin that post the the front page of my blog.

yes this is still going on and id love it if you could vote for me :]

so i still have a lil bit of packing to do then ill be headed off to lala land for a lil bit. friday ill be here:

so if you know me and you want to party that day give me a text or email so i can put you on the list, k? and ill be tattooing as well. im pretty much booked up on appointments but if you are interested give me an email. ill be tattooing on the boulevard as a traffic reference before you write :]

so i really need some new pictures on here asap!

when im in front of this light i have to take pictures, like every time. . .

more super PG pictures. stoney getting dressed in the mornin :]

gangster to the core

December 25th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

this post is going to start like many of the rest of my posts. i know its been forever since i updated, ive had A LOT of shit going on work and personal. thanks for those who have been around me lately appreciate it :]

i broke yet another pair of glasses, well me and the frames were defective so not all on me. so i have another new pair of frames ill take some pics this week. i’ve been so friggen busy.  im going to be out in lala land. so much to do:pack, get some drawings together, go shopping, maybe when i get there? here is a pic without my specs on just hanging at the studio.

here are few small tattoos ive done. im trying to make sure all my online portfolios are up to date. figure i may as well post em here as well . . .

Psycho Clown Tattoo Gift Cards

Psycho Clown Tattoo Gift Cards

this is also the last day to get one of these before  christmas. . . but we well them all year, so come in and get yours whenever.

so its christmas eve, im hanging up at the clown. i have all the gifts wrapped in some interesting photo paper :] ill have to take pictures. theres nothing i like more then wrapping gifts in weird or funny paper.  i some pics i need to put up from thanksgiving. ive been switching back and forth from my iphone to my damn pc phone. damn you hacked phone! im getting pretty close to just switching phone  companines thats how much i dig my mappleness. . . .

and in case i dont get to personallly say it Have a Happy Holiday Season!!!!! Thanks Shawn :]

December 16th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

December 14th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

I know I havent posted in a while, here is a picture of me looking quite gangster the other day

and since I have NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK is going on with my site heres an update

**edited actually I just handled that shit as I was editing this blog site back up!

December 13th, 2008 by Adrenalynn

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