April 27th, 2010 by Adrenalynn

  • flight booked
  • hotel booked
  • car booked
  • test tomorrow
  • shoot dates and times tomorrow
  • talked to friend/lawyer in LA
  • press release draft sent out for revisions

**put up a DEMAND ME IN YOUR CITY THING please only click if you’d really come out and see me for a signing, vip at a party, or to feature dance in your city**

April 21st, 2010 by Adrenalynn

the rumors are true

April 19th, 2010 by Adrenalynn

from last nights random trying on of new clothes, ironic i dont have any clothes on in the photo

April 17th, 2010 by Adrenalynn

Feels like I feel off the face of the earth for a bit. I’ve been all over the past few weeks. I miss being on the go, and at the studios. I hope I can start to share my top secret stuff Monday some of what I’ve been workin I finally get to talk about :] Here’s pics from me up @PCTattoo. Got so caught up didn’t get to tape much jerkin.

imma bad bitch and i tip toe ho

this here is my crawfish face

Oh and I forgot I got a new fuckin tattoo!

April 17th, 2010 by Adrenalynn

I’ve been on this new kick where I don’t bite my tongue for anyone. Had to take time out of my day and  apologize for polluting the online modeling community. I yet again wasted time and energy teaching an ungrateful young woman how to be a successful body piercer. Despite her attempting to fuck other employees, crying, and creating drama daily I did this because of her ‘life long dream’ to be involved in the body modification industry. Those of you who know me, have heard my soap boxes on being a woman in any industry and proving your worth in the man’s world we live in. I’m no cheerleader, but I did give this chick my rants and raves about doing her best to not be cliche and letting her work gain her respect.

A week later it went from this to her just quitting with no warning, or reason, and emailing/ texting myself and employees about how she made a mistake and wanted to come back. Straight to attempting to be an online model and claiming it was an attempt to get her sanity back (which now I doubt she ever had. I wonder if psychiatrists should be allowed to procreate at all, their spawn seem to have more problems then most). I just had to let you know I had no hand in that, and again I’m sorry for polluting both industries with disrespectful young women.  Really the worst is having to fix this broads horrible piercings, so that it doesnt reflect badly on my studios name. The gall and the gumption of young broads today.

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