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It was like a a month ago that we were in Haiti. This week has been one of those don’t take your day to day for granted. I found out sat that the part of Haiti we visit owned by Royal Caribbean wasn’t damaged. Which is rad they are just waiting for clearance and will be back to port asap to bring relief and tourism. Haiti is one of the first exotic places I’ve ever traveled to. Mind you Royal Caribbean has done a lot the past year to resortify their piece of the island but it’s still got the culture and a wave runner trip round the island can get you right into ‘real’ Haiti fast. Before I ramble on too much Haiti is a beautiful place temporarily having it’s people and land tested so don’t forget to donate and whatnot.
[I'm feeling very BunB writing this on my iPhone]
With out further delay you’ve heard and seen about my dripping. . . Finally here are a couple up close and personal pics of ‘Da Juice’ and my dripping phenomena.
Filed under: Adrenalynn, Pornstar, porn | 0 Article tags: Adrenalynn, aid, donate, drip, Haiti, juice, Labadee, new, photo, pussy, Relief, Royal Caribbean, update, wet
and if you could help me out while I’m rebuilding my site with banners? I’ve put up a folder with free pics for you to help up on flickr. Check out the temporary layout I put up. And check out the Chuck Taylor pics.
Filed under: Adrenalynn, Pornstar, free, photoshoot | 0 Article tags: Adrenalynn, allstar, banner, boob, breast, chuck, flickr, help, member, new, photo, set, Taylor, tit, update
Pretty bummed I’m not going to be there to see all my fans again this year. That’s the part that urks me the most! I had all sorts or things lined up and people saying they would fly me out, typical none of them actually came through. Months worth of planning all for not :/ I do my best to do things for you but the lack of professionalism I deal with drives me up a wall and it just really sucks I feel like I let you down. Its just not been a possibility for me to plan and spend the boo koo bucks it takes for travel hotel and all they pretty outfits especially as an independent with no real video production for you yet :/ But, I’m doing life rearranging for more time for that!
To make matter worse I got in a of a car accident day before yesterday. A guy in a hooptie stalled out in front of me at a green and the Tahoe is going to need some body work. Not complaining just trying to get a handle on this crazy to start to the new year. Broken MacBooks, fender benders, unprofessional people. Well it sounds pretty normal minus the fender bender :]
But enough of the crap updates, many of you have caught one of my recent cam shows :] Told ya I’d be making more time for them! Even put up a little schedule, you got an email if you are on the mailing list there
Can’t decide what pictures to put up next just wanted to give you something different because I have another hot view of a cam show I did in pink high thigh socks! I’m thinking the rest of the Chuck Taylor AllStar pics what do you think? Here’s a few from last night for ya from my iPhone:
Filed under: Uncategorized | 0 Article tags: 2010, accident, Adrenalynn, AVN, awards, cam, car, chuck, clips, dildo, dripping, expo, fans, forum,, live, macbook, masterbate, new, porn, preview, schedule, show, tahoe, Taylor, VIDEO, web, wet, wreck