January 30th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

One of my guys saw this up on the front page of Deviant Art. Thank goodness for places like it, I’ve even had the pleasure of talking with this great artist. There maybe some more of these in store :]

January 28th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

Saw this was up on the Psycho Clown Myspace page today. Its just before I changed my hair all up! I think I forgot to say something about that in my last bloggation. I did as I do every 2 years and cut the bangs. I went all the fuckin’ way this time and went very Bettie short with em. There is kind of a pic in the last blog but I’m totally NOT made up, I was just hanging at work that day.

Also I got my latest issue of XBiz Premiere and saw my mug on the top 100 pornstars of 08′. So I just had to put up some linkage and say thanks to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of meeting or working with over there at XBiz, and say thanks for being so supportive of me in my first year of dirtiness :]

January 24th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

I think Im finally getting caught up from my last LA trip. It’s way past due for some major online overhaulin’ . . .I need to catch yall up on some photos of whats been going on. Did a fun lil’ bunny tattoo this week. Had some magazine features in various parts of the world this month. Need to get a lil more info and I’ll share that stuff soon as well.

If you keep up with my Twitter or any of my other status updates you know I have had some issue with my iPhone. Finally it seems to be functioning properly :] No more turbo sim and the iPhone has been doing rad on my tmobile network.

So the other day we are hanging out at the tattoo studio when I decided to go crazy with my urban spoon feature on my phone. DiegoH an artist of mine ended up being my guide down an educational and cultural eating experience. [ He has quite a few Vietnamese girlfriends, so I told him to go ahead and just order something I may like for me. . . risky, I KNOW. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not super adventurous in my eating habits ] I had only had a Vietnamese spring roll before and it wasn’t really my thing, but I was ready to give it another go. It ended up being pretty delish! I really dug the boba tea. . . well the tea not the fun lil balls.

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