April 28th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

As many of you know I have not only done body modifications but managed my husbands tattoo studio Psycho Clown Tattoo for a number of years. Well after a few months of searching I have found a place of my own to call home. This will be my first studio of my own. I sign the lease later on today! It’s crazy to think the time has come for me to have a studio of my own I’m so excited to get started. There is much remodeling to do, and I’m having artists move in from out of state to work for me. How fucking RAD is that?? Apathy and I went through a few files on a hard drive the other day I found some really funny lil video clips I need to edit  and put up on youtube ASAP. I did find a throw back from the start of my body modification career my how time flies. . .

There has also been a lot of really great fan art being sent to me from all over the world. In the next while I’m going to put up a page on my website for fellow artists, this may be developing into something more over time. . . just depends on if time will allow. But I definately want to give these great artists some exposure for the lovely pieces they have done inspired by yours truely

edited to add some spice realized there have been a few blogs and no provacative photos in a while. you can always go check out my latest iPhone polaroid on my OFFICIAL free website.

April 14th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

April 7th, 2025 by Adrenalynn

I know I have been for just a bit. I’ve had some strange happenings. My grandfather on my dad’s side of the family passed away. So I had to go out to west Texas for a funeral. Now the odd thing about this is that I saw relatives I havent seen in 16 years!! It was a shitty reason for a gathering, but I think the first time all of that side of the family have been together. It also meant spending a couple days at my moms. Yes, spending the night and all! I should have took some pics in my old room [there is random paint on the walls], but my lil’ bro has hijacked it.

On another completely random note: I found out some years ago I had a half sister. Well about a month ago I got her info. Well, her address. I’m still not sure if I know the words for that situation. . .

Besides the life bombshells I have been tattooing, but mostly learning laser removals. I have done quite a few and really enjoy the process. Its amazing to see the body bounce back no matter what we throw at it. My lip is still a bit angry at me after piercing it again. This is the second round for the center labret. I did it once a l o o o o n g time ago and had some issues with it. So I’m trying yet again. I think my big lips get in the way.

There is also a newer cleaner layout I threw up today. Theres also a new polariod picture up  :]

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