with the Skinworxxx crew July 9-11th! I’ll post more details asap
and … new clips up with me shoving my panties in my pussy
[discount code: toaoLynn]
Click to get to where I cam
already time to get the nails did, maybe tomorrow. not sure what im gonna do. its my new way to deal with not dying my hair crazy colors :]
sorry i haven’t had too many new blogs, i’ve had so much new stuff to share. i guess im just not sure where to start. if you want you can follow/stalk me on tumblr i attempt to post daily and put random pics up of myself.
my tumblr
- hair, nails, and face done
- temp DL done
- packing done
- load up music
- charge laptop
- empty/charge flip mino HD
- bubble bath and get all smooth
- flight booked
- hotel booked
- car booked
- test tomorrow
- shoot dates and times tomorrow
- talked to friend/lawyer in LA
- press release draft sent out for revisions
**put up a DEMAND ME IN YOUR CITY THING please only click if you’d really come out and see me for a signing, vip at a party, or to feature dance in your city**
from last nights random trying on of new clothes, ironic i dont have any clothes on in the photo