random sunburn

this is what happens when you are at the car show from 10 am to 4 pm
ill work on more updates here and makin the site mobile friendly. until then leave comments and enjoy the changes/ more frequent updating
this is what happens when you are at the car show from 10 am to 4 pm
ill work on more updates here and makin the site mobile friendly. until then leave comments and enjoy the changes/ more frequent updating
There are more this ones just a quick one on the crackberry
Posted with WordPress on Adrenalynn’s crackBerry.
three days of hotrod/custom car show this weekend VIP at Texas MotorSpeed Way. What to wear?
Any suggestions?
I’ve been busy busy. Had a lot of fun tattooing and hosting some radtastic porn parties in LaLa land. Here are a couple of pictures from D2 to hold you over until I get them posted. I’m like a lil kid tonight and can’t sleep. Tomorrow is the first day of the State Fair of Texas and I have quite the gentleman caller escorting me, I can’t wait!
P.S. I know the blog is lookin’ weird should be lookin back to normal/new asap makin some changes
So yesterday while I walked to get yummy yummy sushi during work I ended up buying new bras and panties. I mean who does that…I guess me haha The panties are quite sexified. Just in time for me to start my cam shows again now that I have internet again on my laptop.
So I think ill be having my first show tonight after work around 9 or 10 West coast time. So come get dirty late tonight with me :]
I’m also taking tattoo appointments and really want to do some walkins, which is something I don’t always do so come in and keep me company, bring by smokage and GET TATTOOED.
email [email protected] to set up an appointment or consultation time.
Posted with WordPress on Adrenalynn’s crackBerry.