Finally saw Avatar the other day of was pretty cool, def long. Over the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of help from Apathy. I’ve been changing and rearranging so that I’m not spending so much time running Adrenalynn INKorperated. It seems all of my time has gone there since the spring. Didn’t realize how much time! I’ve even been catching up on some tattoo/ and laser removals at Psycho Clown Tattoo.
It’s been so RAD getting some time to cam more regularly. I think it’s so much more fun to be all pretty and have an audience whilst I get dirty :]
I think with this new schedule it’s time to search for some web help and I so NEED an assistant/web helper/ slave :] Its been way too long since I shot new movies and did tattoo appointments in California. A little help with the leg work and keeping up with fans is def needed. I’ve got a stack of images and packages I just haven’t had a min to ship off that just keeps getting taller :/
The Polaroid pic is back up. I’m still working on some new video stuff and cleaning up the sites navagation. Temporarily there will be no new members while I figure out the best billing/payment solution. If you signed up by 1.26.10 you will have bronze access until further notice.

Check out my stickam had a fun smoke session there late last weekend. I’ll start to be having free live shows on stickam again. So look out for those there is a stickam tab on my facebook page.
to facebook for deleting my profile :[ not sure if im going to try again
especially when Apathy has no probs on Myspace . . . but I know a lot of you like the functionality of FaceBook vs Myspace? what’s a broad to do ?

on my MySpace page from Apathy International, and new links on my website about my LIVE DIRTY cam show tomorrow 
So if you pay attention to my twitter updates they’ve been fuckin bipolar roller coaster at best. I figured this needed some serious explanation, and I’ve been so swamped I havent blogged lately. Well as you know for like 2 months I’ve been searching for locations for a tattoo studio of my own. I had finally found the perfect place . . . so I thought. Basically several things happened involving people with ZERO business sense and the property fell through. But better in the start then once I had started the remodeling. Ive been pretty busy with my new female apprentice any who. Yes this “tattoo Jedi” has a padawan. She also wants to start shooting photos for Apathy International and myself so all you pervs can look foward to seeing an asian whore. so in the middle of writing this my clothing sponsers send me this link whilst im smoking a bowl and bloggating
Side Note: I’ve not been smoking so much. I’m getting all healthy and starting to work out. Did the plank for a solid 2 minutes tonight ;] Almost bikini season. And when my horrible bang disaster of 09′ grows out I’ll be taking photos.
The point of the story I guess is that Lost Boys Inc [ my clothing sponser who was so supportive on that LA Ink think I'll address next] made this RADTASTIC video teaser. Its a teaser cause they have been workin on this video of me branding this motherfuckers neck for sometime now. Hehe I’m just teasin’.
LA Ink . . . what to say on that shit there. If you know me you known I’ve have had mad shit to say about tattoo reality shows. I mean I get asked about them daily working in a studio of my own. That meaning educated things about how it misleads the general public about the actual process of getting a tattoo or any body modification for that matter. IE: tattooing with no shoes on, WTF. Where I learned this is like rule numero uno you get. So I had this temporary lapse in sanity and applied for this like online popularity contest… to be on the show. I know…. So any way, I end up winning the vote count. And those pansy fruitcakes at “gotcast” don’t even have the grapes to at the very least keep me informed on what happened or what is even going on. I must say I’m so sorry for directing your traffic there to vote for me :[
I have many new things and changes to make on my website, just haven't had the time. Hope you have been enjoying the polaroid pictures from my iPhone :] Went through a hard drive with Apathy the other day and found some lil clips of my goofy ass bootay shaking and what not I need to get on YouTube asap for ya! I also have a dominatrix I’ve been talking with. I dont want to say too much but I will be using her space soon for some photos and videos hopefully.
sorry it seems i got lost again. had a good friends (i havent spoken with in months), friend, mine and Apathy’s aquaintance via industry take his life and it kind put me in an odd mood. was up all night on the phone talking about life and shit
But I’m working on some interviews for yall. As well as preparing to assist on an Apathy Shoot and I think take some new photos this weekend with my new hair stylist :].potential tattooed poultry eating bff . . .[free range]
im not sure why? maybe its cause ive been so back and forth
and busy right now ive lost touch with my friends its seems.
but i must say i have made some really great new ones :] and
i cant say im super close with my family, damn being black
so another year older, but have i grown wiser. FUCK YES, more in the
past year or so about myself and others than ever!)
i must say this is my favorite time of year. and im so
excited to be in texas for my birthday! ( july 8th ,
yup im a bookcase cancer, off the fucking wall) so
im just gonna keep workin my buns off till its over.
perhaps ill get a nice pair of designer heels and i can
masterbate in em. that would be a great bday
( FYI: my favorite to die for masterbate
for are:
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN, Manolo Blahnik, Yves St Lauren,
and others those one just move me!) that’s not something
you can just ask anyone for, right? (yes im obssesed with
shoes, designer shoes…no Italian shoes *drools*, pumps,super high stilettos you can barley walk in even if you’ve had ballet training like myself. . . mmmmm high insteps. . . stockings. . .) *pehaps ill put up one of those wish lists * apathy got me the radest early bday present ever!!! yup, a brand new imac. well what can i say its the best friggen thing you could give a geeky girl like myself. ( yup geeky not nerdy, and def NOT a dork! :] )

thinking of going light again. . . gotta do something to the hair friday is the day
to watch a cable show about tattooing. . . well long story short, I
couldnt get through it. Just could do it. I came home from Psycho Clown and Apathy had it on. I sat down and really wanted to give it a try. But damn it I just couldn’t do it. I think its rad that tattooing is acceptable enough to be on cable tv, but I can’t say I think female tattoo artists are being properly represented as a whole.
That’s just my extremely polite mini soap box. On that note here is a peek at the Hee Haw logo I did on an elbow last week. I love makin’ dirty movies, but when I’m shooting I don’t have as much time to do it. I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE tattooing, and I’m so glad I made myself take the time to focus on both my movies and my tattooing.
I get a butt load of emails asking about the good ole’ butthole tattoo. So in the super new future I’m gonna make a lil’ youtube action explaining it. What it says, when I did it, how it healed, etc. . . so stay tuned for that soon. I have some new movies projects I’ll be shooting for really soon that I think ya’ll are gonna fuckin’ dig the hell out of. Can’t say too much about them right now, but I’ll letcha know soon as I can.