quick ballet foot pic

my website, but I keep getting caught up with work. But I do have my blog up and running again, phew. It’ll probably change a little, but for the most part I’m kinda diggin it at the moment. You should not be a luker and join so you can post comments and what! its there in the left upper sidebar.
Below it is my latest tumblr from my personal account. Its not always updated more, but sometimes more random I usually update from my iPhone. I haven’t really played with it too much but you can also stay updated through texts and a bunch other stuff just look around.
Gonna work on my bloggation/ site a bit more then get ready for a live dirty cam show in a bit
Sunday was really interesting. Took the day for myself and the hubby. We started with taking some quick pics. Well that’s how it was supposed to start, but I actually got caught up in a movie. I rarely dig a lot of movies but this one was rad. I only caught the end I think I’m going to tape it dvr it or look for the dvd. I dont even recall the title something about a time machine aroun 2002. But I dug it. Then there was the movies and a rad Star Wars hoodie. I hope it gets a little chilly over the next few nights to I can wear it!
i believe the title says it all. a few weeks ago one of our tattoo artists at psycho clown almost amputated his finger off! i happened to be there when it happened and in my rush to get him to the er my mac had a fall. after an appointment at the genius bar i found out my hard drive was there, phew but my computer just cant do anything with it. so simple geeky fix right? SHOULD HAVE BEEN. i went to the apple store not once, not twice, but thrice! they kept selling me $40 fireWires when all i needed was a $14 apple fireWire that would put two macbooks together or a macbook and an imac to get all my files in hard drive mode. long story short, the artists finger is doing just fine, the stitches are already out. however, my laptop is still not. i am transfering files as i bloggate, but its not going so well. not sure the genius bar can do that for me?? they acted as if they couldnt they do it for pcs all the time. then i can have a new hard drive put in it and ill be back in business. its so hard to respond to emails, messages, and I CANT UPDATE MY WEBSITE :[ im so sad i havent been able to do as many cam shows because of it. doing them with my desktop is super difficult, but i did a really fun one the other day:] had to get really bendy. and im glad i have my iMac, problem is with the new studio ive had to be there full time and they still havent gotten back with me on my internet there!!! calling em again manana. so you can see my delima.
[ if you wanna help out with my laptop fixing adventure id much appreciate it ]
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button to click looks like this
it was really difficult squeezing in time for a cam show. it was really nice because ive been so busy i have only had some time for sex, not my usual several masterbatory sessions daily. it got really . . . juicy. i just wanted to keep at least my every 2 weeks show going for those of you who come and see me. i have so much fun and it seems you do too ;]
so what have i covered, broken mac :[, cam shows, oh yeah somehow with the lack of bloggating if you dont follow my twitter you may have not seen my tweets about my new gf! im quite the
Twitpic Plugin by Grobekelle
holy guacamole was sitting here putting stuff into my iCal on my iPhone and realized i have 12 days till my birthday, and didnt even realize. ive been so swamped redecorating and setting up an art/ relax space at my new tattoo studio, and piercing and tattooing its slipped my mind. man looks like more on my todo list gotta get a new drivers license. hmmmm should there be a celebration? wishlists?? let me know at this . serious suggestions ONLY please!
**** new bloggation soon 7.3.09 if i can from my iPhone no laptop still****
So if you pay attention to my twitter updates they’ve been fuckin bipolar roller coaster at best. I figured this needed some serious explanation, and I’ve been so swamped I havent blogged lately. Well as you know for like 2 months I’ve been searching for locations for a tattoo studio of my own. I had finally found the perfect place . . . so I thought. Basically several things happened involving people with ZERO business sense and the property fell through. But better in the start then once I had started the remodeling. Ive been pretty busy with my new female apprentice any who. Yes this “tattoo Jedi” has a padawan. She also wants to start shooting photos for Apathy International and myself so all you pervs can look foward to seeing an asian whore. so in the middle of writing this my clothing sponsers send me this link whilst im smoking a bowl and bloggating
Side Note: I’ve not been smoking so much. I’m getting all healthy and starting to work out. Did the plank for a solid 2 minutes tonight ;] Almost bikini season. And when my horrible bang disaster of 09′ grows out I’ll be taking photos.
The point of the story I guess is that Lost Boys Inc [ my clothing sponser who was so supportive on that LA Ink think I'll address next] made this RADTASTIC video teaser. Its a teaser cause they have been workin on this video of me branding this motherfuckers neck for sometime now. Hehe I’m just teasin’.
LA Ink . . . what to say on that shit there. If you know me you known I’ve have had mad shit to say about tattoo reality shows. I mean I get asked about them daily working in a studio of my own. That meaning educated things about how it misleads the general public about the actual process of getting a tattoo or any body modification for that matter. IE: tattooing with no shoes on, WTF. Where I learned this is like rule numero uno you get. So I had this temporary lapse in sanity and applied for this like online popularity contest… to be on the show. I know…. So any way, I end up winning the vote count. And those pansy fruitcakes at “gotcast” don’t even have the grapes to at the very least keep me informed on what happened or what is even going on. I must say I’m so sorry for directing your traffic there to vote for me :[
I have many new things and changes to make on my website, just haven't had the time. Hope you have been enjoying the polaroid pictures from my iPhone :] Went through a hard drive with Apathy the other day and found some lil clips of my goofy ass bootay shaking and what not I need to get on YouTube asap for ya! I also have a dominatrix I’ve been talking with. I dont want to say too much but I will be using her space soon for some photos and videos hopefully.
I know I have been for just a bit. I’ve had some strange happenings. My grandfather on my dad’s side of the family passed away. So I had to go out to west Texas for a funeral. Now the odd thing about this is that I saw relatives I havent seen in 16 years!! It was a shitty reason for a gathering, but I think the first time all of that side of the family have been together. It also meant spending a couple days at my moms. Yes, spending the night and all! I should have took some pics in my old room [there is random paint on the walls], but my lil’ bro has hijacked it.
On another completely random note: I found out some years ago I had a half sister. Well about a month ago I got her info. Well, her address. I’m still not sure if I know the words for that situation. . .
Besides the life bombshells I have been tattooing, but mostly learning laser removals. I have done quite a few and really enjoy the process. Its amazing to see the body bounce back no matter what we throw at it. My lip is still a bit angry at me after piercing it again. This is the second round for the center labret. I did it once a l o o o o n g time ago and had some issues with it. So I’m trying yet again. I think my big lips get in the way.
There is also a newer cleaner layout I threw up today. Theres also a new polariod picture up :]
heard about one of these on twitter today i must have one, pwease. . .
EEEEEKKKK! Thanks so much you know who <3, there is one on the way :]