A new photo gallery and

a new profile pic on my MySpace and FaceBook pages. Still need a new Twitter avatar?? Some idiots with out an original though in their minds attempted to ‘be me’ on twitter. pretty shady shit, mayne.
a new profile pic on my MySpace and FaceBook pages. Still need a new Twitter avatar?? Some idiots with out an original though in their minds attempted to ‘be me’ on twitter. pretty shady shit, mayne.
to facebook for deleting my profile :[ not sure if im going to try again
especially when Apathy has no probs on Myspace . . . but I know a lot of you like the functionality of FaceBook vs Myspace? what’s a broad to do ?
on my MySpace page from Apathy International, and new links on my website about my LIVE DIRTY cam show tomorrow
Saw this was up on the Psycho Clown Myspace page today. Its just before I changed my hair all up! I think I forgot to say something about that in my last bloggation. I did as I do every 2 years and cut the bangs. I went all the fuckin’ way this time and went very Bettie short with em. There is kind of a pic in the last blog but I’m totally NOT made up, I was just hanging at work that day.
Also I got my latest issue of XBiz Premiere and saw my mug on the top 100 pornstars of 08′. So I just had to put up some linkage and say thanks to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of meeting or working with over there at XBiz, and say thanks for being so supportive of me in my first year of dirtiness :]
you up on some stuff later. been busy busy running the studio. i also forgot how tricky texas weather can be :[ i have been getting lots of tattoos. hopefully ill be getting worked on more next week. i really love getting new stuff, and cant wait for my arm to be finished to i can work on some new pieces i wanna get.
follow adrenalynntoao at http://twitter.com
so if you keep up with me on myspace [ where i actually posted my twitterfeed ] you can keep up with me on exactly what im doing. i post updates straight from my phone :] i did my hair jet black last week. i know i havent put up any pics of it. well here is one from a few days after the dye.
logged into a body modification site i belong to a few days ago and saw this. i dug it :] my script tattoo as a folder front hehe
so i must say i fuckin LOVE LOVE LOVE my iphone. i really do, im uploading pics from the convention from my phone onto flickr as we speak :] just gotta get a few more from a memory card then ill put em up. i know ive been away from the internet a bit . . . i promise to be updating as much as i can now. especially with my phone capabilities. (even though ive yet to download a useful app some of the ones i have are quite entertaining :] ) if you have any fun apps you dig let me know which ones they are :]
have had some clients coming in from out of state its been pretty cool. one of these is a korean woman in a hanbok a man got done for his wife. so many time we see traditional chinese or japanese woman. he actually already had one of these tattooed, but we did something a lil special for his old lady :] my fav was the lil fox. another is an older tattoo i did. a lil emo kid hehe :] and finally a clown on an unloyal clown from my studio.
heres a lil tattoo update of my work [finally got my gallery workin]:
trying to update all my other online stuff. i miss being online all day. i need an assistant damnit! and a pretty girl :]
Edited to be more clear 9.29.08
i did an interview for this site. after reading THIS i dont think they will think im “pretty”. :]oh well, more on a few posts soon. gonna add more pics and whatnot.
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1610033&w=425&h=350&fv=]
Adrenalynn Opens her holes
I’ll be steppin’ out tonight in Dallas to peep Dirt Nasty and the other boys of the Dyslexic Speed Readers at GhostBar Dallas come out and say hey!
And dont forget to Check out LBI tonight:
Tonight, Tuesday July 29th, LBI’s founder will be interviewed on the PitPassRadio.com Moto-X talk show from 7-9pm CST, 8-10pm EST. The 10 minute interview is scheduled at 8:45pm EST. Pit Pass Radio can be heard LIVE on it’s website and is syndicated throughout the American mid-western states on stations including:
KXNO 1460 AM – Des Moines, IA
KRRW 101.5 FM – St. James, MN
KOWZ 1170 AM – Waseca/Owatonna, MN
KWOM 1600 AM – Minneapolis, MN
Pit Pass Radio
(click the pic)
to go see all my myspace pics
*makin’ it ok for pornstars to have tattoos*
NO it isnt me, its a best bud in TX. oh yeah dont mind the semi shitty quality. it was just a cell phone clip 15 seconds. . . i toldja not to get excited.