random sunburn

this is what happens when you are at the car show from 10 am to 4 pm
ill work on more updates here and makin the site mobile friendly. until then leave comments and enjoy the changes/ more frequent updating
this is what happens when you are at the car show from 10 am to 4 pm
ill work on more updates here and makin the site mobile friendly. until then leave comments and enjoy the changes/ more frequent updating
main pic on my tattoo studio is about to change. If you haven’t checked it out go take a look before it changes its a tattoo I did on a face.
Also put up part I of a photo set its an older one, but all these clothed pics I made free . . . and this is after bewbs before TATTOOS!
And I’m debating on 5 or 10 more members for the week for free and $3.99 a month bronze member rate :] I’ll be taking some iPhone pics too so that you’ll have a brand new polaroid pic when that page goes back live on my site . . .
photo: Apathy International
Lukeisback.com put up a nice lil write up as well as
press release about my layout in GENESIS Magazine.
And feel free to join in the convo about my . . .
knees ?
I think Im finally getting caught up from my last LA trip. It’s way past due for some major online overhaulin’ . . .I need to catch yall up on some photos of whats been going on. Did a fun lil’ bunny tattoo this week. Had some magazine features in various parts of the world this month. Need to get a lil more info and I’ll share that stuff soon as well.
If you keep up with my Twitter or any of my other status updates you know I have had some issue with my iPhone. Finally it seems to be functioning properly :] No more turbo sim and the iPhone has been doing rad on my tmobile network.
So the other day we are hanging out at the tattoo studio when I decided to go crazy with my urban spoon feature on my phone. DiegoH an artist of mine ended up being my guide down an educational and cultural eating experience. [ He has quite a few Vietnamese girlfriends, so I told him to go ahead and just order something I may like for me. . . risky, I KNOW. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not super adventurous in my eating habits ] I had only had a Vietnamese spring roll before and it wasn’t really my thing, but I was ready to give it another go. It ended up being pretty delish! I really dug the boba tea. . . well the tea not the fun lil balls.
this post is going to start like many of the rest of my posts. i know its been forever since i updated, ive had A LOT of shit going on work and personal. thanks for those who have been around me lately appreciate it :]
i broke yet another pair of glasses, well me and the frames were defective so not all on me. so i have another new pair of frames ill take some pics this week. i’ve been so friggen busy. im going to be out in lala land. so much to do:pack, get some drawings together, go shopping, maybe when i get there? here is a pic without my specs on just hanging at the studio.
here are few small tattoos ive done. im trying to make sure all my online portfolios are up to date. figure i may as well post em here as well . . .
Psycho Clown Tattoo Gift Cards
this is also the last day to get one of these before christmas. . . but we well them all year, so come in and get yours whenever.
so its christmas eve, im hanging up at the clown. i have all the gifts wrapped in some interesting photo paper :] ill have to take pictures. theres nothing i like more then wrapping gifts in weird or funny paper. i some pics i need to put up from thanksgiving. ive been switching back and forth from my iphone to my damn pc phone. damn you hacked phone! im getting pretty close to just switching phone companines thats how much i dig my mappleness. . . .
and in case i dont get to personallly say it Have a Happy Holiday Season!!!!! Thanks Shawn :]
you up on some stuff later. been busy busy running the studio. i also forgot how tricky texas weather can be :[ i have been getting lots of tattoos. hopefully ill be getting worked on more next week. i really love getting new stuff, and cant wait for my arm to be finished to i can work on some new pieces i wanna get.
follow adrenalynntoao at http://twitter.com
so if you keep up with me on myspace [ where i actually posted my twitterfeed ] you can keep up with me on exactly what im doing. i post updates straight from my phone :] i did my hair jet black last week. i know i havent put up any pics of it. well here is one from a few days after the dye.
logged into a body modification site i belong to a few days ago and saw this. i dug it :] my script tattoo as a folder front hehe
so i must say i fuckin LOVE LOVE LOVE my iphone. i really do, im uploading pics from the convention from my phone onto flickr as we speak :] just gotta get a few more from a memory card then ill put em up. i know ive been away from the internet a bit . . . i promise to be updating as much as i can now. especially with my phone capabilities. (even though ive yet to download a useful app some of the ones i have are quite entertaining :] ) if you have any fun apps you dig let me know which ones they are :]
have had some clients coming in from out of state its been pretty cool. one of these is a korean woman in a hanbok a man got done for his wife. so many time we see traditional chinese or japanese woman. he actually already had one of these tattooed, but we did something a lil special for his old lady :] my fav was the lil fox. another is an older tattoo i did. a lil emo kid hehe :] and finally a clown on an unloyal clown from my studio.
heres a lil tattoo update of my work [finally got my gallery workin]:
trying to update all my other online stuff. i miss being online all day. i need an assistant damnit! and a pretty girl :]
got off the phone with a very helpful friend who has been in the same situation. its weird how your life can seem to parallel someone elses…i think those end up making the best friends
im really missing my guy. the house here just keeps getting cleaner and cleaner. (that’s what i do when im alone. i’ve already gone out and partied a little too hard. im sure it will end up happening again next week. after all tuesday IS pornstar kareoke up in the valley.
here are actually a few pictures from before the debauchery began the other night. there was just this really fun red room that BIG Rick and I had fun shooting in.
Finally back in Texas, but just for a week. The trip was amazing beaches, drinks, bitches, and the lovely people in customs. Came home to an ass load of stellar emails. My first web video came out whilst I was out at sea. So yeah, go check that shit out its at BangBros.com. Sorting through the mass amount of pictures from the trip. . .