If you dont keep up with my Twitter, I think you should. And you are missing out on the things that are going on in real time! You may have heard me talking about taking some quick photos and video for a tattoo reference for LBI.com before a cam show. (Which by the by was FREE and you missed it! Each one of my webcam shows starts off FREE so there’s really no reason for you to miss them, especially that part. And even if you do miss them, there are dirty pictures and clips there you can view at any time you wish) So back to the tattoo reference… don’t want to ruin the surprise but there is a little teaser video up on my YouTube Channel for you to check out.
Fuck, life is so much more busy owning my own tattoo studio… like in comparison to helpin’ my old man run his for so long. Managing a place is one thing. But running shit and finding the time to tattoo [ and dirty webcam shows ] is quite the stretching on my time and days. But its been pretty fun so far. I know I havent even bloggated since my birthday it had its serious up and DOWNS. A lotta weird life shit went down the past couple of months and really it feels like some kinda ‘pivotal’ movie moment I guess for lack of a better description. . . . . But yeah, boss woman life gets nuts sometimes. I’ve had all kinds of stress. So much I burst a blood vessel in my eye this last week! Yeah just like on that episode of Daria, when Jake [her father wigs out and does it]. No I dont watch much TV or movies but Daria is still one of my all time favs! It’s finally starting to get better so there will be new random and sexy polaroids and lots of cam shows coming your way.
Had to get rid of another artist, typical I know. And I’ve had people work for me for years who think I’m a pretty dandy boss, or so I’ve heard. It was for the studio’s best interest though. And I have already gained a couple of great new artists because of it.
Edited 8/26: actually had to get rid of several employees! As I learned as a manager of a tattoo studio for the past 5 years ‘people with poor attitudes who don’t care about their job are like cancer. You’ve got to cut it out before it spreads.’ No need to worry some former Psycho Clown crew and more FEMALES are at the studio but there are more announcements and updates that will be coming this week from Adrenalynn INKorperated.
Funny how that works. Perhaps a part of me is believing in karma these days. I guess I just saw some really hilarious photos of this ‘chicks’ car I thought I used to know. Meaning I thought I knew who she was, but it was all a facade. I’m just going to say I’m so glad I had a birthday, that I’m 24, and I love my multiple careers I’ve got going on, finding time to make ALL of them happen is the rough part. I could expand more on that, but maybe in another blog.

I have put a lil time into making a whole new look and feel to my site. There will be more new stuff there this week so be on the
look out. And as usual the free polaroid pic is up just click the red polaroid camera right on the top of the front page. This one is a throw back after sex pic :] I had BLONDE HAIR, yes that right BLONDE. I’m also covered in spunk, a personal favorite of mine. This is just an at home post ‘afternoon delight’ photo. I was so wet you can see some of it on the side of the bed, my hubby doesn’t call me ‘Da Juice’ for nothin’. Hope you dig it, its been up for about a week now so check it out soon. I mean like TODAY, just took more for you tonight before my bath ;] That’s right updates will be coming often now that I’m back in the world of the interweb. If you do go check it out [and why wouldn't you, its a FREE nakkid dirty pic] When you check it out, you’ll see the dirty webcam show button shaped like a red webcam and pics from cam shows you can click. They will take ya to my live show if I’m on or to a page of mine. If you sign up FOR FREE you can check out recorded samples of my dirtiness from the cam shows. And if you want to see more and can’t wait there are recorded dirty clips you can check out while you’re there. Its kinda like live, just a taping of it :] I’ll be posting even more in the next few days. So all y’all who say you want new dirtiness, there ya go. Only OFFICIAL newness you can go see at the moment. And I’ll be doing a cam show at the end of this week the date and time will be posted on my site ASAP.

this post is going to start like many of the rest of my posts. i know its been forever since i updated, ive had A LOT of shit going on work and personal. thanks for those who have been around me lately appreciate it :]
i broke yet another pair of glasses, well me and the frames were defective so not all on me. so i have another new pair of frames ill take some pics this week. i’ve been so friggen busy. im going to be out in lala land. so much to do:pack, get some drawings together, go shopping, maybe when i get there? here is a pic without my specs on just hanging at the studio.

here are few small tattoos ive done. im trying to make sure all my online portfolios are up to date. figure i may as well post em here as well . . .
Psycho Clown Tattoo Gift Cards
this is also the last day to get one of these before christmas. . . but we well them all year, so come in and get yours whenever.
so its christmas eve, im hanging up at the clown. i have all the gifts wrapped in some interesting photo paper :] ill have to take pictures. theres nothing i like more then wrapping gifts in weird or funny paper. i some pics i need to put up from thanksgiving. ive been switching back and forth from my iphone to my damn pc phone. damn you hacked phone! im getting pretty close to just switching phone companines thats how much i dig my mappleness. . . .
and in case i dont get to personallly say it Have a Happy Holiday Season!!!!! Thanks Shawn :]

with nakkidness and kindness about me :]
sekkushi’s blog about Curvy Girls
and some of me painted up
like a C L O W N :] hehe
oh and. . . did you see this teeny timelapse video on my site?
Heres the bad news and reason why I havent been around. I’ve not only been tattooing my ass off but in a tremendous amount of pain. So I woke up at like 4 am the other morning in the fetal position and like couldnt move. Intense pain up deep into my inner ear, and all the way up into like my sinus under my eye. It sucked.
Emergency trip to the oral surgeon. I love my dentist :] So i dug the office and the staff was great. I had to take the like 360 degree xray. They made me take out my largest barbell. Made some funny pics:
Adrenalynn not so funny widsom teeth xray
i love my large lobes
But the shitty news is I have to get all 4 wisdom teeth out….However its gotta be better then the pain im in now :[ Pwease help me feel better. I have been thinkin a lot lately and I think once I gather my thoughts Ill put em up on my site. I feel its time to share them with you.
[tags are crazy cause you can see all these kinds of videos there]
yes, I know its time for a blog. Im cleaning right now so I can be online later for blogging and updating purposes :] I even did THIS to my site so i would have to do some stuff. . . or at least keep ya updated.
why dont you go check out my new background i put up on my YouTube Page…. I had to edit this snapshot sorry. Its just so you can always see my videos :]
Adrenalynn YouTube Channel