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It was like a a month ago that we were in Haiti. This week has been one of those don’t take your day to day for granted. I found out sat that the part of Haiti we visit owned by Royal Caribbean wasn’t damaged. Which is rad they are just waiting for clearance and will be back to port asap to bring relief and tourism. Haiti is one of the first exotic places I’ve ever traveled to. Mind you Royal Caribbean has done a lot the past year to resortify their piece of the island but it’s still got the culture and a wave runner trip round the island can get you right into ‘real’ Haiti fast. Before I ramble on too much Haiti is a beautiful place temporarily having it’s people and land tested so don’t forget to donate and whatnot.
[I'm feeling very BunB writing this on my iPhone]
With out further delay you’ve heard and seen about my dripping. . . Finally here are a couple up close and personal pics of ‘Da Juice’ and my dripping phenomena.

and if you could help me out while I’m rebuilding my site with banners? I’ve put up a folder with free pics for you to help up on flickr. Check out the temporary layout I put up. And check out the Chuck Taylor pics.
after sex photos just as promised. like i said my mojo is back! getting together another bigger set of photos here of me in all pink. i can’t believe apple fixed my computer so fast, that’s more than i can say about the folks at the hotel i stayed in :/
even though i took a slight break on vacation im getting back to no red meat and my working out/ stretching. just got back from the gym this morning. that’s right the gym needed some cardio early thus morning.
a new profile pic on my MySpace and FaceBook pages. Still need a new Twitter avatar?? Some idiots with out an original though in their minds attempted to ‘be me’ on twitter. pretty shady shit, mayne.

my website, but I keep getting caught up with work. But I do have my blog up and running again, phew. It’ll probably change a little, but for the most part I’m kinda diggin it at the moment. You should not be a luker and join so you can post comments and what! its there in the left upper sidebar.
Below it is my latest tumblr from my personal account. Its not always updated more, but sometimes more random I usually update from my iPhone. I haven’t really played with it too much but you can also stay updated through texts and a bunch other stuff just look around.
Gonna work on my bloggation/ site a bit more then get ready for a live dirty cam show in a bit
you up on some stuff later. been busy busy running the studio. i also forgot how tricky texas weather can be :[ i have been getting lots of tattoos. hopefully ill be getting worked on more next week. i really love getting new stuff, and cant wait for my arm to be finished to i can work on some new pieces i wanna get.
follow adrenalynntoao at
so if you keep up with me on myspace [ where i actually posted my twitterfeed ] you can keep up with me on exactly what im doing. i post updates straight from my phone :] i did my hair jet black last week. i know i havent put up any pics of it. well here is one from a few days after the dye.
only place for new adrenalynn :
logged into a body modification site i belong to a few days ago and saw this. i dug it :] my script tattoo as a folder front hehe

- adrenalynn on
so i must say i fuckin LOVE LOVE LOVE my iphone. i really do, im uploading pics from the convention from my phone onto flickr as we speak :] just gotta get a few more from a memory card then ill put em up. i know ive been away from the internet a bit . . . i promise to be updating as much as i can now. especially with my phone capabilities. (even though ive yet to download a useful app some of the ones i have are quite entertaining :] ) if you have any fun apps you dig let me know which ones they are :]
have had some clients coming in from out of state its been pretty cool. one of these is a korean woman in a hanbok a man got done for his wife. so many time we see traditional chinese or japanese woman. he actually already had one of these tattooed, but we did something a lil special for his old lady :] my fav was the lil fox. another is an older tattoo i did. a lil emo kid hehe :] and finally a clown on an unloyal clown from my studio.
heres a lil tattoo update of my work [finally got my gallery workin]:
trying to update all my other online stuff. i miss being online all day. i need an assistant damnit! and a pretty girl :]
from the last day of october
adrenalynn webcam pic
i know yall are thinking where the FUCK is adrenalynn? im H E R E :] after dealing with h o r r i b l e surgery complications. I actually sent an email to a buddy on a modified site about what happened here is an excerpt and mouth update for you:
“haha. no its getting a lot better. i toughed it out for 1 1/2 weeks with some advil . i dont really dig taking pills. plus my body doesnt really dig em, especially on that low calorie count. i guess day 5 i broke down and had a perkaset ?sp? i wasnt in pain for a few hours, shit i was on could 11, then it wasnt so pretty.
i later found out i did in fact have dry socket and there was exposed jaw bone from the same hole. really sucked! so i had like 3 weeks of pain before i could even really start healing, or eating SOLID food. . . all the while trying to do interviews and other online whatnot. ie: maintaining messages so i didnt have even more to catch up on
[i need to blog about this so i may copy and paste this email :] “
so after that fun adventure, that i guess is still technically going on [healing up from wisdom extraction in general is a long road back to recovery] i had to do some much needed “house cleaning”. Had some employees that had needed to not be around for sometime, but i had just been too busy to be around or restaff. so, being knocked on my ass from my teeth gave me some time to really asses assess how unacctable their attitudes and quality of product was.
[ and i had a 3 minute online adventure finding the transitive verb form of assessment ]
*** i also do NOT endorse the jewish statements. i grew up and love JAPs from my years with them in ballet classes ( jewish american princess for those of you who think my black ass threw out a racial slur )
adrenalynn looking more like myself
i guess what im trying to say is, i have so much for you all to be updated on and pictures to share, its just life has been in the way a bit. so know that when im updating and responding to your messages its between so many of my other duties.