February 1st, 2008 by Adrenalynn

So from the few times ive been there to San Francisco there are usually a lot of intresting things going on in the streets at anytime. Case and point this toilet in the street. I spent a lot of time on my computer figuring out this imovie on my computer. And make random ass videos for friends and youtube

I must say I’m a little excited all the rain finally stopped. Its never been prettier outside. I’m not sure how I’m ever going to go through another cold winter again. . .

Here are some more pictures from the mini photoshoot the other night. They are pretty intresting I think. And some of my favorite at the moment. I also got a chance to go to Alcatraz. It was intresting, there is some random video maybe ill cut it up and put it back together on you tube so it isnt so boring =)

a few from the webcam…


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